You Will Survive Doomsday
By Bruce Beach
Table of Contents
Nuclear Survival Groups
There are probably 12 nuclear survival groups in the city of Toronto.
I personally know of four and I have heard of three or four others.
(There may be some overlap. I can't be certain.) My guess is that there
are another three or four I don't know about. Most such groups are very
secretive, for various reasons. Three of the groups are headed up by
instructors, like myself, who teach survival courses at the community
colleges. [Author's update note: The author now maintains a listing
of survival communities in North America and as of Fall 1998,
had over 60 communities on the list. If you have not seen the list,
you may contact the author and he will refer you to a copy].
Most of the groups contain a number of very well trained and
experienced people. There are also many other groups scattered around
both the US and Canada. They have their own training bases and survival
courses. There is a magazine, Survive, where you can learn about some
of these groups.
What is Radiological Defense Officer?
Both in the Canada and the United States the Federal Governments have
trained certain individuals to be advisors to mayors and other public
officials in time of nuclear disaster. In Canada these individuals are
called Radiological Defense Officers.
Certain Radiological Defense Officers have received additional
training, so as to become qualified to teach Radiological Defense
Officers. These individuals are designated as being Radiological
Scientific Officers. The supposed requirement for becoming a
Radiological Defense Officer is a Ph.D. in physics, but because of a
lack of candidates, individuals with lesser qualifications have been