SquirrelMail Bulletproof Display Patches ---------------------------------------- These patches are for the SquirrelMail web-based email system. The patches address user interface problems in SquirrelMail, particulary those areas where the contents of an email item can adversely affect the display. The main goal is to keep the SquirrelMail screens consistent regardless of email content. Naturally, keeping with the goals of the SquirrelMail project, these patches utilize proper HTML 4.01. Files ----- squirrelmail-1.2.5-bp-022802.patch.gz -- Context diff against SquirrelMail 1.2.5. squirrelmail-1.2.5-bp-022802.tar.gz -- Fully patched distribution of SquirrelMail 1.2.5. Contact ------- Please visit http://kriston.net/ for contact information.